The Academy's first Two-day Basic Tactical Pistol Course held on October 16 and 17, 2010, was a great success. We had sixteen students in attendance, four of which were women. Most of the students had little to no tactical handgun experience, let alone ever drawing from a holster, but by the time day-one was over the students had grasped the basics to the point that we all felt comfortable enough to transition them to the range on day-two.
After our safety briefing and some review of the basic skills we hit the range. All but two of the students passed their live-fire qualification course without a hitch. The two students who didn't qualify, came back the following week for a second chance at qualification and passed with ease. The problem for both of these students was grip related. Grip size was a major issue for both of them. They had brought pistols to the class that didn't fit them very well, so I lent them my Glock 34 and that seemed to take care of it.
The Academy of Tactical Training and Security, LLC is planning another Two-day Basic Tactical Pistol Course in January of 2011. Please check the website for the dates and location or contact us directly.